Redis – How can I filter an array on an asynchronous predicate?
I have an array of users and I want to grab a subset of them based on an inexpensive lookup in a redis set. const users = [ { _id: '1', name: 'george', age: 36 }, { _id: '2', name:…
I have an array of users and I want to grab a subset of them based on an inexpensive lookup in a redis set. const users = [ { _id: '1', name: 'george', age: 36 }, { _id: '2', name:…
var xyz = chart.exporting.getImage("png").then(function (imgdata) { }); The above function xyz is a promising object how to get whether the object is full filled or not based on the promiseStatus,refer the picture . After full filled i want to execute…
I need to write function which prepare me a HTML to inuput into my site, I tried like this function prepareHTML(valId){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "SOAPulr_getData", data: {operationId: valId} }) .done(function(result, status, jqXHR){ var def = $.Deferred(); var response =…
I'm relatively new to js so please forgive me if my wording isn't quite right. I've also created a jsfiddle to demonstrate the issue. Overview In the app I'm working on, I have a function with a jquery ajax call,…
There is a new cool feature in React — Suspense component. Currently it only officially supports components created using React.lazy function. But unofficially it well known that internally Suspense component is triggered by throwing a promise deeper in the render…
I am attempting to make a NodeJS application utilizing this npm package called shopify-node-api Please note, this is a private app which was generated in the Shopify Partners account. I've passed the shopName, apiKey and password as instructed by the…
I am trying to get all of products but I got Request timed out while trying to get 60k products for inventory management app. I am using nodejs to loop into 200 pages, each page limit to 250 products. I…
I have following code which I using for handling Magento 2 REST API. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(uri, { method, headers, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then(response => { return response.json(); }) .then(responseData => { resolve(responseData); }) .catch(error => {…
This is a general question about how to deal with shifting data dependencies in an API. I depend upon two data objects in my application: 1. mycompanyProducts 2. mycompanySettings The products object looks like: { "MYTHING01": { "sku": "MYTHING01", "name":…
I'm facing a little issue using promises in a for loop within a node script I'm first calling data from a twitter search, and I want to translate all tweets from english to french before sending the results to the…