Reduce dimension of Docker Python Image
I'm building a Python Image in Docker and I need it to be the smaller possible. I'm using venv on my PC and the app is basically a unqiue file .py of 3.2kb. I'm using Python 3.10 and the following…
I'm building a Python Image in Docker and I need it to be the smaller possible. I'm using venv on my PC and the app is basically a unqiue file .py of 3.2kb. I'm using Python 3.10 and the following…
I have a lambda that triggers upon s3 PutObject. Before proceeding the lambda needs to check if the file is actually a video file or not (mp4 in my case). File extension is not helpful because that can be fake.…
So I have this fine code: import pandas as pd import requests from datetime import datetime now = dt_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00") url = '{%22PriceArea%22:[%22DK1%22]}&limit=50' r = requests.get(url) json = r.json() # HourUTC HourDK SpotPriceDKK SpotPriceEUR df = pd.DataFrame(json['records']) df2…
I have a JSON file and need to update with new key value pair. cuurent json: [{'Name': 'AMAZON', 'Type': 'Web', 'eventTimeEpoch': 1611667194}] I need to add a location parameter and update it as "USA".But when try to update it with…
I have json list. I would like to iterate "PrivateIP" through a list of dirctories and append to the empty list: here's the code: InstanceId = [] message = [{"SNowTicket":"RITM00001","ServerIPList":[{"PrivateIP":"", "HostName":"ip-182-0-0-0.ec2.internal", "Region":"us-east-1", "AccountID":"12345678"}, {"PrivateIP": "", "HostName": "ip-182-1-1-1.ec2.internal", "Region": "us-east-1", "AccountID":…
I have followed this guide last year to build my AWS python archive and it was working. Today i have automated my code deployment and it was not working (i am using shutil.make_archive("package", 'zip', root_dir=path, base_dir="package/", verbose=True) instead of the…
I have installed tensorflow and the required dependencies for GPU support for Ubuntu 22.04 as mentioned in I tested that the GPU was detected as mentioned in the above tutorial and it detected my Nvidia GTX 1060. But if…
Following data mapped in DynamoDB for record_id 7, I want to update customer with new value "customer": { "value": "id2", "label": "Customer2" } However, dyanamoDB does not allow to update because of "ValidationException: Invalid UpdateExpression: Attribute name is a reserved…
import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--strat', type=str, ) args = parser.parse_args() strat = args.strat I would like to right my docker-compose.yml file such as I would just pass my argument from there. I did version: "3.3" services: mm: container_name:…
I am using the json2html package to convert JSON to HTML but I am getting the error - "fork/exec /home/sftp_user/uploads/ exec format error" Here is what I have done Script is as below #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from json2html import…