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Html – Selecting last-child's text with Scrapy

How do I extract the text from the last <li> in the following snippet? (Černošice.) <footer class="SearchResultCard__footer"> <ul class="SearchResultCard__footerList"> <li class="SearchResultCard__footerItem"> <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" id="7c37b661a1f4030a0673d3e5cb419678" aria-hidden="true"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.16146 2H9.83854C10.3657 1.99998 10.8205 1.99997…


How, in Python 3, can I have a client open a socket to a server, send 1 line of JSON-encoded data, read 1 line JSON-encoded data back, and continue?

I have the following code for a server listening on a port: def handle_oracle_query(self, sock, address): sockIn = sock.makefile('rb') sockOut = sock.makefile('wb') line = sockIn.readline() submitted_data = json.loads(line) self.get_thread_specific_storage()['environmental_variables'] = submitted_data['environmental_variables'] self.get_thread_specific_storage()['cgi'] = submitted_data['cgi'] generate_output() print_output(sockOut) sock.close() sockIn.close() sockOut.close() self.remove_thread_specific_storage()…

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