Telegram bot – Updater
This code is supposed to take up prices from 2 indexes from yahoo finance nd send them to the user when a text is sent in the chat: import requests import telegram from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_price(symbol): url =…
This code is supposed to take up prices from 2 indexes from yahoo finance nd send them to the user when a text is sent in the chat: import requests import telegram from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_price(symbol): url =…
I am using python-telegram-bot. This is my Python handler for the CommandHandler: async def bulk_q(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: questions_user = ' '.join(context.args[:]) It is intended to allow the user to send questions in bulk, one question at a…
I am a beginner with python-telegram-bot, I have installed version the latest version 20.2. I installed a package "python-telegram bot" but I got an import error upon running the code ImportError: cannot import name "Dispatcher" from telegram.ext I delved into…
I created a telegram bot using python-telegram-bot v 20.2. I run it on the computer using application.run_polling(), and everything works fine. But when I try to place it on a serverless structure with an entry point (handler(event, context)), I don't…
I've been working with telegram bot using python for a while and everything was fine, today i was starting to work on a new project but i got a lot of error abut python-telegram-bot library.. so i uninstall it and…
states={ MOB_NO: [MessageHandler(filters.text, reply_to)], }, AttributeError: module 'telegram.ext.filters' has no attribute 'text' I install pip install python-telegram-bot. And here we import module. from telegram.ext import (Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, filters, ConversationHandler) When we handle messages it says. AttributeError: module 'telegram.ext.filters' has…
I have installed python-telegram-bot like this: pip install python-telegram-bot And when I'm trying to do this: from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, CallbackContext I get this error: ImportError: cannot import name 'Filters' from 'telegram.ext' (/home/mobitnlh/virtualenv/db_application/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/ext/
I am a beginner with python-telegram-bot, I have installed version 20.0. I installed a package "django-telegram bot" to help me integrate python-telegram-bot into django but I got an import error upon running the code ImportError: cannot import name "Dispatcher" from…
When I run this code: from telegram.ext import * import keys print('Starting a bot....') def start_commmand(update, context): update.message.reply_text('Hello! Welcome To Store!') if __name__ == '__main__': updater = Updater(keys.token, True) dp = updater.dispatcher # Commands dp.add.handler(CommandHandler('start', start_commmand)) # Run bot updater.start_polling(1.0)…
I was trying to download the file send by the user via telegram app using python script, I am using the Python-telegram-bot library, I was not able to download the file, below is my code. from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder, MessageHandler,…