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Docker – Airflow DAG does not run properly independent if start_date is in the future, past or present

Today is 8th of September 2023. I run Airflow in Containers. Worker, Scheduler, etc. are on. I have the following DAG: from airflow import DAG from datetime import datetime from airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres import PostgresOperator with DAG('user_processing', start_date=datetime(2023,10,12), schedule_interval='@daily', catchup=False) as dag:…


html parsing without using text.splitlines() custom split in lines using python

I have and html file and want to get the list of lines from it. <html><head></head><body>subject marks <div dir="ltr">marks<br/><br/><div class="gmail_quote"><div class="gmail_attr" dir="ltr"> Forwarded message <br/>From: <strong class="gmail_sendername" dir="auto"></strong> <span dir="auto">&lt;<a href="mailto:"></a>&gt;</span><br/>Date: Wed, Nov3 at 1:11 PM<br/>Subject:Marks<br/>To: sk &lt;<a href="">[email protected]</a>&gt;, &lt;<a…

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