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Extracting specific JSON property into CSV using Python

I have a JSON which is in nested form. I would like to extract billingcode and rate from json and put into csv using pandas python. { "TransactionId": "1c9cc4b9-a0e1-4228-b382-b244a7674593", "Number": "1022", "Version": 534, "StartDateTime": "2023-04-01 14:12:50.999", "EndDateTime": "2023-04-01 14:15:32.038", "LastUpdatedOn":…


Python-telegram-bot fails on telegram.error.TimedOut, unable to restart (on restart get "coroutine 'Updater.start_polling' was never awaited")

I try to create a simple Telegram bot for my school (so students could receive schedule updates in Telegram). I use python-telegram-bot for this. Here is the code I took from the official tutorial: application = telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder().token(token).build() incoming_message_handler = telegram.ext.MessageHandler(…


Postgresql – pandas.to_xml() with nested xml blocks

I create table in PostgreSQL and insert to table nested XML(xml_part column): CREATE TABLE text_xml ( id numeric, xml_part XML ); insert into text_xml values (1, '<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Dont forget me this weekend!</body></note>'); insert into text_xml values (2, '<note><to>Tove</to><from>Alex</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Dont forget me this…

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