Mysql – Python DB async Task Schedule
I'm working with telegram-bot and mysql-connector with a MySQL DB to store all user data. 3 times a day I need to run the query: UPDATE users SET rolls = rolls + 1 WHERE rolls < 12; In the main…
I'm working with telegram-bot and mysql-connector with a MySQL DB to store all user data. 3 times a day I need to run the query: UPDATE users SET rolls = rolls + 1 WHERE rolls < 12; In the main…
I am getting the above error when I try query a key in a DynampDB table: Here is the lambda code: import json import boto3 dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodb.Table('resumechallenge-test') def lambda_handler(event, context): response = table.get_item(Key={ 'id':'0' }) views…
I am trying to push a index (with embeddings) to Azure cognitive search. The following code is what pushes the index to cognitive search: #Upload some documents to the index with open('index.json', 'r') as file: documents = json.load(file) search_client =…
As part of a project, a web application was passed to me. This web application has front and back end. The front end was developed with React JS. Here's how the front end folder looks like. And the the back…
I wrote a quick program that simply opens and closes a website using Firefox at set intervals. It runs perfectly on my Intel Mac OS Ventura. I intended to keep it running on a Raspberry Pi, but I cannot find…
I'm trying to list all urls from a webpage but only the ones in a specific html A tag. for example the urls targeted are the ones in html A tags containing "Info science": bunch of html before <a rel="external…
I have a js file abc.js containing a JSON object as below: export default{ "Name": "James", "Age": "21" } I have a python dictionary dict with the value: {"Country":"Italy"} How can I append dict to abc.js such that it becomes:…
i have this issue on my application. Object of type QuerySet is not JSON serializable In fact, i creating an application in which we have a relationship of the type several Products inone or more Orders. Here is my code…
I'm trying to get all the album names and prices from this website: But with the following script I'm just getting one of them. import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup URL = '' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT…
I have two JSON schemas - publisher and article, such that there could be multiple articles in a single publisher. This is the article schema (in a.json): { "$schema": "", "title": "Article", "type": "object", "properties": { "aid": { "type": "integer"…