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I am Facing issue in mysql in mac

. while using this command - pip install mysql I am facing issue in code in above error: subprocess-exited-with-error note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. error: metadata-generation-failed × Encountered error while…


Replacechild on a paragraph javascript

I am trying to edit a post and dynamicaly update the Dom with my editPost function (The posts are created with another Javascript function). function editPost(post_id){ // get the post text const post_element = document.getElementById(post_id); const post_text_element = post_element.querySelector('p.card-text'); const…


How to extract data from html response using python?

I'm trying to extract some of the data from an HTML response I'm getting after executing an API in Python. Here is the HTML response I get: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <mgmtResponse responseType="operation" requestUrl="" rootUrl=""> <ethernetSummaryDTO> <CoredIdentityCapable>false</CoredIdentityCapable> <currentIcmpLatency>0</currentIcmpLatency> <deviceAvailability>100</deviceAvailability> <deviceName></deviceName> <deviceRole>Unknown</deviceRole>…

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