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Handling MSAL Auth URIs in a Docker container

I'm trying to Dockerize a Python webapp that uses MSAL to handle authentication. I am acquiring the access token by using: auth_response = public_app.acquire_token_interactive(scopes=user_scopes, port=5000) token = auth_response['access_token'] The authentication runs smoothly whenever I test it locally. However, when I…


Redis – How to clear task resources and zombie processes

I am building celery + django + selenium application. I am running selenium-based browsers in separate processes with help celery. Versions: celery==5.2.6 redis==3.4.1 selenium-wire==5.1.0 Django==4.0.4 djangorestframework==3.13.1 I found out that after several hours application generates thousands of zombie processes. Also…

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