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Combining JSON and Regex in R

I am learning how to use the Reddit API - I am trying to learn how to extract all comments from a specific post. For example - consider this post: Using this R code, I think I was able to…


web scraping with loop – Html

I'm trying to download zip codes that are in different pages. I started with a list of nodes for each municipality inside Mexico City. url<-"" resource<-GET(url) parse<-htmlParse(resource) links<-as.character(xpathSApply(parse,path="//a",xmlGetAttr,"href")) print(links) And then I'm trying to create a loop that grabs each…


Converting JSON Lists into Data Frames

I extracted the JSON from the following page: library(jsonlite) results <- fromJSON("") final = results$data When I inspect the output, I can see that even though that the output is in a "list" format, there appears to be a "tabular…


JavaScript error when trying to build a hide/show feature into a dygraph (from an R markdown) – Jquery

I'm creating a dygraph using this: library(dygraphs) library(htmlwidgets) library(rgl) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr::knit_hooks$set(webgl = hook_webgl) includeScript('C://Desktop//Javascripts/dygraph.js') includeScript('C://Desktop//Javascripts/jquery-3.6.0.js') df<-data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("1980-03-01), length.out = 100, by="day), Long = rnorm(100,50,10), Medium = rnorm(100,30, 5), Short = rnorm(100,10,2), Very.Short = rnorm(100,5,1)) dygraph(df, elementId="the_plot") %>%…

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