How to delete new array in react native object
I have following array [{ "games1": [{ "playername": "1" }] }, { "games2": [{ "playername": "1" }, { "playername": "2" } ] } ] I want to delete games2 from the array how to do this I want this type…
I have following array [{ "games1": [{ "playername": "1" }] }, { "games2": [{ "playername": "1" }, { "playername": "2" } ] } ] I want to delete games2 from the array how to do this I want this type…
I want to get the value of something from a REST api and display in a Textbox in React native. So far i am not getting it to the textbox and secondly it returns this Error My source Code is…
This is my error: ERROR Error: Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(App)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>, or pass a custom React context provider to <Provider> and the corresponding React context consumer to Connect(App)…
I'm trying to retrieve data in this way: useEffect(() => { async function fetchData() { const response = await fetch(''); const json = await response.json(); setData(json); } fetchData(); }, []); console.log(data.TCMB_AnlikKurBilgileri[0].Isim); When I run console.log(data.TCMB_AnlikKurBilgileri); upon opening the application, the…
I have the following code using the Text and Button components from react-native-paper: <Text>See also </Text> <Button mode="text" compact onPress={this.nav( name )}>Compass</Button> <Text> on how to use the Compass.</Text> When rendered this results in: If I replace the Button with…
Currently, my project running on the 0.66.3 version I need to upgrade to react native version 0.70.6. So I have used to following command npx react-native upgrade After running this command showing some error I have attached a screenshot please…
How can i remove container when page is equal to profile? i want to say that if my page is === to profile than that view gets removes but that settings-sharp should be visible can anyone can tell how to…
i am trying to debug my code in react native here i have a axios post request the only responce is i get when there is a error is axios error rather than that i am looking to debug my…
On TikTok and Instagram, they can generate automatically text font size like this image, where alternating lines have different font sizes automatically. I'm trying to figure out how to code that in React Native for mobile IOS and Android: [[enter…
In a chat app I am building I want to deduct credits from a user's account, whenever the users sends a message and when a chat is initiated. The user account is accessible in the app as a context and…