How can i move my button upside as the text is – React native
I want my text and button at the top of the screen, but both the elements have a few gaps between, so I added marginBottom to my text and then that text went to the top. But I want that…
I want my text and button at the top of the screen, but both the elements have a few gaps between, so I added marginBottom to my text and then that text went to the top. But I want that…
As my project is expo ejected react native project and I'm getting the error [native] Could not find image on path 'file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/..../Library/Application%20Support/.expo-internal/assets/...' "react": "17.0.1", "react-native": "0.64.0", "expo": "~41.0.1", "expo-error-recovery": "^2.1.0", "expo-font": "~9.1.0", "expo-modules-core": "^0.2.0", "expo-splash-screen": "^0.10.3", "expo-status-bar": "~1.0.4", "expo-updates": "^0.5.5",…
I'm not sure what's wrong here, as far as I can tell I am doing this correctly as it has worked everywhere else in my app. The only difference is that I'm trying to do this from a FlatList component.…
My goal is for this entire block to be scrollable. I tried all kinds of ways to achieve the goal but without success. I tried with ListHeaderComponent and moved the entire top view to it and it didn't work. And…
Code looks like this: <Pressable> <Text>Click me</Text> </Pressable> When pressable is clicked, background color of text is changing, how to prevent it in react-native from changing?
I've been using a Mono repo to share react native components with react app. when I was trying to use a react native component from react, it has been showing an error which I couldn't resolve. I've tried to follow…
I've been trying to replace a view in React Native, but to no success. The app closes without errors whenever I try <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {handleChangeMyView();}}> : What am I doing wrong? How can I make it work? Thank you…
So we have this weird bug when the users change the font type to Bold. it ruin the app's layout, and the icons fail to load, instead of icons it show [x] symbol or some Chinese characters (I think this…
I'm trying to pass a date object as a prop in react native, and access its methods to render data. The prop is passed as following: <Task text={item["text"]} date={item["date"]} time={item["time"]} reminder={item["reminder"]} completed={item["completed"]} /> It is accessed as: <View> <View style={[…
Getting these errors when using Drawer Navigation. Here is the complete App.js import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Button, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createDrawerNavigator } from '@react-navigation/drawer';…