how can you get the current local time on my device with the 12 hour format in React native?
I am have an idea on how I could get the time but its always in 24 hour format, how can I get it into being in a 12 hour format?? any suggestions??
I am have an idea on how I could get the time but its always in 24 hour format, how can I get it into being in a 12 hour format?? any suggestions??
Good morning friends, good ... what happens is this: I tried to make a logic so that the setLoaded changes the value of my progress bar, and when the value of it reaches 100, it shows the Modal. But nothing…
While I’m creating an react native new project in Mac OS . Im getting an error like “Your Ruby version is 2.7.4, but your Gemfile specified 2.7.3” How to solve this ?
I have a React Native project that we've recently been attempting to move over to AzureB2C. We have been leveraging the now archived package react-native-msal. Our project also employs react-native-web. The web functionality is working without issue, however, when working…
Please check the image- how can I do that in my react native app import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react'; import { View, Button, Text, StyleSheet, Switch} from 'react-native'; const Testing = ({ navigation }) => { return…
Note: Do guide me if something is missing. So, I wanted to install a package from, but I have an npm project. The command on the website has only for yarn. I don't want to add yarn to project…
I want to print out the response of my fetch request in react native. How would I do this to get the response inside a Text? function Nft() { fetch( "" ); return ( <View> <Text style={style.header}>Bitcoin Price</Text> </View> );…
how can I send request to nearby drivers what is the algorithm can please anyone guide me I am making ridesharing app.
When i am trying to fetch multiple API using map() method, and launch the project it's given me empty which is i understand my console.log couldn't able to fetch at the time, and just use Ctrl+s press to save the…
I have made a Main Navigator in which I have made 2 sub navigators: This is my MainNavigator: import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import {createStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/stack'; import storage from '../services/storage'; import {useDispatch, useSelector} from 'react-redux'; import {setUser} from…