Async function in UseEffect – React native
I am trying to get data from AsyncStorage and eventually map this data to a list of buttons on my home screen. The data is saved to AsyncStorage from an API call that is made upon login. In my async…
I am trying to get data from AsyncStorage and eventually map this data to a list of buttons on my home screen. The data is saved to AsyncStorage from an API call that is made upon login. In my async…
What am I doing wrong here? Click on F to sort by first_name or L to sort by last_name. You will see that: When you load it, it should be filtered by first_name. It is not showing it sorted.…
I have coded the below snippet from firestore site and according to my database but the code isn`t working i have tried too but nothing else works the WHERE condition is the main reason isn`t working else it works fine…
Tried every possible step Reinstalled Node, NPM, Expo, etc. Cleaned Cache, verified it aswell. Please help or I would have to reinstall Ubuntu. faisal@PC:~$ expo init Migrate to using: › npx create-expo-app --template ✔ What would you like to name…
I'm currently writing an app where users can upload images, but I want users to be able to upload multiple images. I've tried using libraries like: expo-image-picker-multiple, expo-images-picker but nothing seems to be working. I would love to know which…
I am using windows 10 and expo 46.0.9. I was trying to have android emulator for expo app project. I installed Android studio and set the path in environment variables. When i run my app in VS code terminal using…
How to fix this error i am using expo react native ERROR Invariant Violation: ViewPropTypes has been removed from React Native. Migrate to ViewPropTypes exported from 'deprecated-react-native-prop-types'. this is the errors pls also check my code i have provided My…
I created an app using expo cli. I also created the build for the same using expo server and was trying to upload the app to the app store. However, the previous version of the same app was written in…
I am trying to change the Background Color of the entire View by a toggle switch. But the color is not changing. Please help and Big Thanks! Here is my code. import { StyleSheet, View, Switch} from 'react-native'; import React,…
I am using the payment_intent API to generate payment intent for payment sheet initialization. As per the document, payment_intent is the POST method. Showing different errors in android and iOS. Note:- It's working in postman not working on mobile.…