What to do about diffrent screen sizes – React native
I am learning react native for a few weeks and I made a screen and it looks good on my android emulator but when I look at it on my android phone somethings are out of place like icons or…
I am learning react native for a few weeks and I made a screen and it looks good on my android emulator but when I look at it on my android phone somethings are out of place like icons or…
I couldn't find any docs or knowledge about this value. Are these values determined at the java level for android?
React-native styling using Nativewind works fine if the styling is done at App.Js. Like here: <NavigationContainer> <View> <Text className = "text-red-500">Hello</Text> </View> </NavigationContainer> But if the styling is done at component level, then it doesn't work anymore. return ( <NavigationContainer>…
I integrated the react-native-signature-canvas in my expo app. It works fine in development and also works if I build the apk through expo. But it crashes of I make android app bundle(aab) using eas.
Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and…
I am getting the following error when trying to run the react-native-digital-ink package Is there any way to solve this error?
I know there a lots same questions, but none of them work as I need, about to disable future YYYY-MM-DD in React Native Date Picker: <DatePicker modal open={open} date={date} mode="date" onConfirm={updateFilter} maximumDate={new Date()} onCancel={() => { setOpen(false) }} /> But…
Is there a way to remove double borders from overlapping border styles without using map or any other loop? Using loops i could specify index and than style based on that index, but how can i do it without looping?…
I'm using react-native-webview and another page I can render a static webview like this: return `<html> <head> <style> .t-center{ text-align: center; </style> </head> <body> <div class="t-center"> <h1>GUIA DE AGENDAMENTO - ENTREGA</h1> <h1>0000000</h1> </div> </body> </html>` But now I need to…
I'm trying to build my apk & I'm getting this error while building my release apk in react native. Is there any way to fix this react-native-location error?