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React native – yarn install in gitlab ci runner creates error "The lockfile would have been modified by this install, which is explicitly forbidden."

I am working on react-native 0.75.2 yarn 3.6.4 node 20 In my project, I have a native module dependency, which is located inside my project folder. My package.json looks like "dependencies": { ...., "react-native-my-native-mod": "file:native_modules/react-native-my-native-mod", } In gitlab-runner, it is…


React native – unsupported option '-G' for target 'arm64-apple-ios11.0-simulator'

This is my PodFile platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported use_modular_headers! prepare_react_native_project! flipper_config = ENV['NO_FLIPPER'] == "1" ? FlipperConfiguration.disabled : FlipperConfiguration.enabled linkage = ENV['USE_FRAMEWORKS'] if linkage != nil Pod::UI.puts "Configuring Pod with #{linkage}ally linked Frameworks".green use_frameworks! :linkage => linkage.to_sym end target 'Fixturefix' do…

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