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Reactjs – Date Sorting with Prime React

I'm having issues sorting a datatable with prime react on the Date column. Here is my code <Column field="Date" header="Date" sortable={true} body={(rowData: any) => formatDate(rowData.Date)} /> And this is the function that creates a new date instance: export const formatDate…


Javascript – SyncFusion: How to add additional MultiSelectComponent Field to the default editor window

I'm working on integrating a MultiSelectComponent from Syncfusion into the ScheduleComponent editor window. However, I encounter an error when clicking the input field. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'enqueueForceUpdate') at Component.forceUpdate (react.development.js:368:16) at ComponentBase.renderReactTemplates (component-base.js:473:18) at Observer.eval…

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