Reactjs – react how to reset state after using effect
I have a page with a Button A. When clicked, it makes an API call, and if successful, opens a new page. While the API call is being made, a modal appears to inform the user that a request is…
I have a page with a Button A. When clicked, it makes an API call, and if successful, opens a new page. While the API call is being made, a modal appears to inform the user that a request is…
I have a simple form to update user data. I am using React Query in my app. The form autofills successfully with user data and the user update mutation also works fine. The problem arises when I refresh the page.…
Image 1 : Image 2: I have this element on my site that is supposed to scroll horizontally(overflow-x: scroll) on smaller screens, the issue is, the properties I applied to its children only appear on the parts the were visible…
I'm trying to create a footnote component for my new React version of my blog, but, so far, I'm not able to get the numbering right. I'm applying basically the same logic I did for my Web Components version of…
Following Fullstackopen course, I'm on Part 6 and learning about useQUery / useMutation. I got stuck near the end because my app won't re-render after I call the api and make changes to the list of items. I tried fetchPolicy:'false'…
I have the following useEffect hook in a react component that fetches data from a api. http is an axios instance. I have a react use State hook const [inputsData, setInputsData] = useState(false);. useEffect(() => { if ( { http.get(`/stock/${title}/${}`).then((response)…
I need to use tailwind semantic css classes of tailwind.config file in SVG image inside lineargradient stop-color properties. My react app has designer css file where hex color codes are used as var css class e.g: --colors-accent-400: #29b6f6; Then above…
I have been following a tutorial which uses the /pages directory, however, the newer versions of NextJS are using the /app directory. How to adapt the following pages into the new behavior. /pages/index.tsx import Head from "next/head"; import { useState…
I want to embed a datawrapper map like this: import InnerHTML from 'dangerously-set-html-content' export function Map1(){ const htmlFile = `<div style="min-height: 374px"> <script type="text/javascript" defer src="src/utils/mapscript.js" charset="utf-8"> </script> <noscript> <img src="" alt="" /> </noscript> </div>` return( <InnerHTML html={htmlFile} /> )…
I am having an issue where, if I load my page for the first time things work perfectly fine. However when I try to navigate to another page, my api data is just completely lost. Here is my tree: App…