Javascript – How to open a modal in a function
I want to open a modal by click a button which is supposed to export some datas in an excel file. So there is my code but the modal is still close. I'm new in react, did I do something…
I want to open a modal by click a button which is supposed to export some datas in an excel file. So there is my code but the modal is still close. I'm new in react, did I do something…
I create a React Context like: context.ts file import { createContext } from "react"; const Context = createContext({ error: "", setError: () => {}, }); export default Context; I get a child component which need to set a value into…
I have a use-case where I need to assign a unique and persistent unique id to each HTML tag in my page. Background: I have created a block element so everything in the webpage is a <Block /> element now.…
I tried updating the redux store of my application using a button but each time the button is clicked and the data from the api is mapped through, it doesn't update the store with the value as expected. I logged…
I want to maintain the filter values, which are key value pairs in a global context to support app wide state. const createFilterContext = (defaultFilters: FilterState = {}) => { const FilterContext = React.createContext<FilterContextType | undefined>(undefined); const FilterProvider: React.FC<{ children:…
What is the difference between Navigate component and UseNavigate hook in react router dom? What are the specific use cases and how to decide which one to use? I tried to navigate logged in user to a different page. Worked…
I am doing a JAX-RS axios GET and am trying to display the base64 string (length 87394260) the backend returned in REACT. For smaller png the src line works as expected, but when I try to display panorama size pictures…
After trying not to redirect the user that has submitted the form, I had trouble sending the form to my form service. I setup a Formspark form to use on forces me to use Typescript which I don't…
I have a component in Nextjs AddressPage and I want to take advantage of Nextjs SSR to display all my HTML in page source using getServerSideProps. In the getServerSideProps I am calling an API to fetch the addresses and the…
I have a basic form where the code for it is using react-hook-form and looks like: import "./styles.css"; import { useForm, useFieldArray, Control, Controller } from 'react-hook-form'; import { useState } from 'react'; const defaultValues = { "foo": [ {…