Javascript – useGeolocation refresh many times
I'm new in React and I would use the hook useGeolocation but it's refresh all the times. So I isolate this hook in a component Location but I can't access to the position of the user and send to my…
I'm new in React and I would use the hook useGeolocation but it's refresh all the times. So I isolate this hook in a component Location but I can't access to the position of the user and send to my…
Hi everyone facing one issue in my react application where I have array of list timestamp's ex:([1651234567, 1651234568, 1651234569]) which I need to convert in to hours minutes & seconds like Ex:([17:46:7, 17:46:8, 17:46:9]) each seconds timer should increase with…
I have this: <AsyncReactSelect defaultOptions loadOptions={async () => [ { value: "Pear", label: "Pear" }, { value: "Banana", label: "Banana" }, { value: "Raspberry", label: "Raspberry" }, ]} closeMenuOnSelect={false} isMulti /> that works as I expect. i.e. Pear was selected…
There's multiple folders on a server that has different versions of my react app like: data/www/demo1 data/www/demo2 ... data/www/demo15 Each folder contain the files copied (without changing anything) from a dist folder of my app. I can access each version…
I am using react-pdf version 3 and pdf viewer shows pdf correctlly in my ui but when i download that pdf it does not render in adobe acrobat and microsoft edge while it renders correctly in google chrome and Google…
In my React component I want to access the results of memoization inside the event handler that fetched the data that's being memoized, like this: const [theData, setTheData] = React.useState(null) const memoizedData = React.useMemo(() => { return someComplexProcessOn(theData) }, [theData])…
I am fetching a list of series from the MySQL db using Express API. I checked on Express logs and see the request is made 2 times. I console logged the react component and the useEffect hook and see the…
I'm using switch component from MUI, I want to toggle the styling between two colors <Switch color={dataType === "expenses" ? "error" : "secondary"} onChange={handleOnSwitch} checked={dataType === "expenses"} /> The problem is the color is applied only when the condition is…
I am developing a small multiplayer web game, and after completing the backend, I've turned my attention to the challenging frontend in React. To summarize, it's similar to popular games like "Gartic Phone" or "Skribbl", where players connect to a…
My package.json: { "name": "my-app", "version": "0.1.0", "private": true, "scripts": { "dev": "next dev", "build": "next build", "start": "next start", "lint": "next lint" }, "dependencies": { "react": "^18", "react-dom": "^18", "next": "14.1.0" }, "devDependencies": { "typescript": "^5", "@types/node": "^20", "@types/react":…