How to connect node js and supabase in React – Reactjs
how to connect node js and supabase .I have completed front end using react . I need to get image as input from the user and store it in the DB.I need to fetch those images and display it in…
how to connect node js and supabase .I have completed front end using react . I need to get image as input from the user and store it in the DB.I need to fetch those images and display it in…
Hello friends let say i have nested data below const payload = [ { title: "ADDITIONAL", data: [ { documentCategory: "ADDITIONAL", documentCode: "CUSTOMER_CLAIM_FORM", documentKey: "customer/9fdf7ca8-4251-41c8-9116-6d006fa64aea/800123000004054/LIFESAVER_DEATH/LIFESAVER_DEATH_CUSTOMER_CLAIM_FORM_ca2b0204-b8c4-42f7-b059-580818789a64.jpg" }, { documentCategory: "ADDITIONAL", documentCode: "POWER_OF_ATTORNEY", documentKey: "customer/9fdf7ca8-4251-41c8-9116-6d006fa64aea/800123000004054/LIFESAVER_DEATH/LIFESAVER_DEATH_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY_6de88371-c666-4ce5-87f2-8aedf778f4c4.jpg" }, { documentCategory: "ADDITIONAL", documentCode: "POLICE_RECORD", documentKey:…
"Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:3000/campgrounds/6411f03e718f68104cac045a' (redirected from 'http://localhost:5000/campgrounds') from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource." This is my code on…
<NavLink className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? "isActive" : "isNotActive")} to={"artist/" + currentMotive.artist.slug.current} key={currentMotive.artist.slug.current}> {} </NavLink> How can I change the attribute to in the same way as className? Like: to={({ isActive }) => isActive ? "/motive/" + currentMotive.slug.current :…
loading is being set and passed into props but the loader fires on all instances of item when onClick is pressed on any button. How do I only have the loader run on the button that is pressed?, i)…
I'm developing a react component that is intended to become an npm package so that it can be imported into various other react projects. There seems to be a problem with using the "useRef" hook. This is my package.json: {…
I am new at React.js and typescript. I tried googling for this issue but could not find any solution for this. Sidebar.tsx ... import Header from "./Header"; const Sidebar = (props: any) => { return ( <aside className="sidebar"> <Header title={props.pageTitle}…
I am trying to create a Dashboard, but I am stuck at nested routing. Like I want to have the navbar, sidebar, and footer on the screen, but only the main components should change. I have used routes in two…
I have an handlechange function const [values, SetValues] = useState({ addrId: "", addrType: "", addrLine1: "", addrLine2: "", countryId: "", stateId: "", countyId: "", zip: "", }); const handleChange = (e) => { const { name, value } =;…
I have written a backend code in nodejs using expressjs and I have a list of doctors stored in mongodb database and I am using mongoose. I have tested the api end point in postman and I am getting correct…