Button not clicked in React – Reactjs
I am a new learner and have only been developing for about 4 months now on react. I was building a simple portfolio for myself and came in to a error. I have created a toggler and a button and…
I am a new learner and have only been developing for about 4 months now on react. I was building a simple portfolio for myself and came in to a error. I have created a toggler and a button and…
I am trying to upload some files using ReactJS, but I want my UI to only have a single "Upload" button instead of two "choose file" and "upload" button. Here is the code: import React, { useRef } from 'react';…
It shows this error error listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::8081. Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::8081 Things i have tried kill -9, killall node, adb reconnect etc nothing works it again shows same error when npm…
what is exact difference between them and what is proper definition for both of them? I try to find proper definition in google but I couldn't find my satisfactory answer.
I am new to this kind of react flask setup and have followed multiple tutorials but none seems to work for me. All I want to have is get data sent from flask in react app. My current setup looks…
I am working with Fluent UI datetimepicker. I am trying to change color in today. But its not changing default blue color. const DatetimePickerFileds = (theme) => { return mergeStyleSets({ root: { selectors: { ".dayIsToday":{ "background-color":theme.colors.addovation70Green}, }, }, }); };…
I want to redirect page without render. Index page useEffect(() => { if (!cookie) { router.push('/login') } }, []); When I open index page it retain for few second then redirect to login page. Can avoid to render it?
im facing Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'basename' of 'React2.useContext(...)' as it is null. in the link component of the code import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { styles } from…
I am hoping to fix an error I am getting while calling my hook from RTK Query. I am making a simple GET request and sending it a string for an ID. However, something is off with the interfaces or…
Here is what I have tryed to create. const getPostImgSrc = async (postImg) => { const imgRef = ref(storage, `postsImgs/${postImg}`); getDownloadURL(imgRef).then((url) => { return <img src={url} alt="" /> }); }; However, the problem is that when I searched the web,…