Changing behaviour of chrome back arrow button – Reactjs
I am navigating the user to chat page when the user login but when the I click on back arrow[provided in image] then it won't let me to move back cause when I click on that it sends me to…
I am navigating the user to chat page when the user login but when the I click on back arrow[provided in image] then it won't let me to move back cause when I click on that it sends me to…
What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't it go to the page "/block/:blockNumber/transactions" constantly hits the page "/block/:blockNumber". I tried it in different ways, but I don't understand why it doesn't go to the right page <Route element={<Layout />}> <Route…
everyone! I have this code: const [searchOption, setSearchOption] = useState(''); function clearSearchField (){ setSearchOption(""); sendQuery(); } function sendQuery() { fetch(`${url}/?search=${searchOption}`,{ method:'GET'}) .then(response => response.json()) .then( (result) => { setIsLoaded(true) setError(false) setUsersList(result) }, (error) => { setIsLoaded(true) setError(error) } ) }…
I want to use react-spring package in react project, but I am facing this error. But when I am using same code in stackblitz it is working without any problem. Could you please help me with this problem? Version: 1.75.1…
i am creating a chat application, where message variable is coming from another component. i want to filter the messages according to their room id so i used useEffect to update the roomMessage variable everytime message updates. the message variable…
I need to show in Y-Axis the labels of my max value in array from 0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% values. My example max value is 100,000. Output in Y-Axis should be: 0, 25,000, 50,000, 75,000, 100,000. Not sure…
I want to render login and registration link on my header when user is not logged-in and logout link when user is logged-in. I make a state for storing the status of user login status and calling dispatch function before…
I'm stating to learn react and redux and I cannot figure out why my react component does not re-render after redux store state change. Here is my code: const initialState = { value: 'Loading...' } function onSetName(state = initialState, action)…
When I create this .NET 5 Web API which returns an error via "NotFound" but includes text string with additional error information, this custom error details: (a) shows up in Postman in the response body, however (b) I can't see…
I am trying to set data received from a GET request from an API using axios. But the value which is getting set is undefined even though console.log gives me the correct output. const[movie, setMovie] = useState({}); useEffect(()=>{ const baseURL…