document onclick with React – Jquery
I got somthing like this on React? $(document).on("click", function (e) { ... } Or is mandatory to use onClick on all components?
I got somthing like this on React? $(document).on("click", function (e) { ... } Or is mandatory to use onClick on all components?
I am getting the above error when previewing the react app on an android studio simulator. Please help. Here is the error: "CommandError: The development client (com.reactnative02) for this project is not installed. Please build and install the client on…
I have registered an event for handling the hardware back button press in the Home Screen. Whenever I click the back button when I am in the home screen, it will ask me for the exit confirmation alert box. I…
I am new to react native and I tried to make my first app. I am in the process of making the login/signup pages. I am trying to use AsyncStorage to make the app remember the user. I tested out…
I am trying to get data using axios but it doesn't seem to load onto the page. I have used the link in postman and retrieves all the data so I assume the get request from the server is fine…
I'm wokring on a simple suggestion app it has authenctication and context api for State management, I can create, read, update and delete a suggestion but I've been trying to make a delete request but its not working. I console.log…
I'm trying to dockerize my app. It have an API architecture without using nginx. I'm using this dockerfile for the flask app FROM python:3.9.0 WORKDIR /ProyectoTitulo ENV FLASK_APP = ENV FLASK_ENV = development COPY ./requirements.txt . RUN pip install…
Options: via API in our database RealM database to store locally Local Storage
I'm doing react-native project with expo + supabase. From its QuickStart docs, ( import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto' import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import { supabase } from './lib/supabase' import Auth from './components/Auth' import Account from './components/Account' import { View }…
I write in terminal npm start and after that I choose to run in web version. And i get this error I tried to fix this problem like that "npm install react-native-web" But it didn't work It looks like you're…