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How to insert a hubspot form in a react js app? – SEO

i have a react js website and i want to insert a hubspot form. Hubspot form: <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> hbspt.forms.create({ region: "eu1", portalId: "25082527", formId: "8a7c2adb-5c41-4c47-8478-b1f1abe01e3f" }); </script> react js page contact import React from 'react'; import SEO…


ReactJS/ASP.Net Core 2.1 Version CORS Error

When I do axios post by React JS, I get the following CORS error to ASP.Net Core side. Failed to load resource: Origin http://localhost:3000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. https://localhost:5001/api/vendorregistration I installed the following as my Nuget Packages and did…

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