Is Reactjs SEO friendly? with google bots
As I know ReactJs render at the client-side means when I fetch data from the API server need to wait until change title and meta tags. So does google wait to run JS? In other words is React with dynamic…
As I know ReactJs render at the client-side means when I fetch data from the API server need to wait until change title and meta tags. So does google wait to run JS? In other words is React with dynamic…
---> Running in 0e34d471598d > [email protected] build /app > node scripts/build.js Could not find a required file. Name: index.html Searched in: /app/public npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! [email protected] build: `node scripts/build.js` npm ERR! Exit status…
I have a MERN app that I deployed on a shared hosting/cpanel. Now my server side works, but the react route doesn't, when I try to visit a page, Ex. , it works as a get request on my…
I'm developing a payment system with PayPal API. Everything works except that the transaction is in USD and not SGD (like how I want it to be). PayPal Button from react-paypal-button-v2 <PayPalButton currency='SGD' amount={parcel.basePrice} onSuccess={successPaymentHandler} /> Script to add PayPal…
I'm working on a multi-tenant application in React and some clients want to upload .html files to the root of the project to use google console and things like that. I would not like all those files to be mixed…
I seem to be having an issue where my site doesn't appear to be redirecting correctly to social sites example below Here's my code: <Link class='social-icon-link telegram' to='/' target='' aria-label='Telegram' > <i class="fab fa-telegram-plane"></i> </Link> It keeps putting my…
I am using useEffect to change state variables when component mounts. I am using redux for state management. The problem I am facing is that use effect is called multiple times. React.useEffect(() => { dispatch(getSingleCoin(id)) setName(coinDetail?.name) setSymbol(coinDetail?.symbol) setLogourl(coinDetail?.logo) setPrice(coinDetail?.price) setLaunchDate(coinDetail?.launchDate)…
So I am creating a real time chatting app using react , redux , node , express and my code is working without the addMessage action and even if I change it to something like [...messages,message] and define messages…
I've tried using standard nginx and nodejs configurations following many documentation, but unlike other tutorials there are several files that don't appear in many of the tutorials using Jelastic Paas or additional files such as nginx-jelastic.conf. Additionally the Jelastic documentation…
I have a server (VPS Amazon) with Ubuntu. In this server is running my backend node and my frontend React. My ReactApp is running over nginx and my backend over pm2. In my react app I defined REACT_APP_BASE_URL: http://[my_ip_server]:4000. So…