Count redis queue length in docker
I have a Celery+Redis python application. I have to find number of tasks in queue. I trying this command, but the output is zero. I am confident that queue is not empty. redis-cli -n 1 -h localhost -p 6379 llen…
I have a Celery+Redis python application. I have to find number of tasks in queue. I trying this command, but the output is zero. I am confident that queue is not empty. redis-cli -n 1 -h localhost -p 6379 llen…
we are currently using this command from shell to purge our Redis DB: redis-cli -h flushdb However, now I am being told that I have to delete all keys, except for the key that is "zrtt_industry". How can I…
With the task in mind - do a HGETALL on all keys matching a pattern (potentially millions). I get keys on one connection and execute HGETALL concurrently on another connection. This still does not solve the HGETALL round trip latency,…
For some flows, I need to store an object like that in Redis: ObjectA: {id: X, name: 'a', age: 'b', surname: 'c', city: 'abc', state: 'cdb'} And in a specific flow that has a huge throughput, I just need to…
I am trying to delete a index using Jedis. I have the following... public void deleteAll() { // Optionally drop and recreate the index try (Connection connection = jedis.getPool().getResource()) { if (connection.isConnected()) { connection.sendCommand(SearchProtocol.SearchCommand.DROPINDEX, "DROPINDEX", "spring-ai-example", "DD"); // Use your…
I am new to valkey/redis and I have a question about the usage of MULTI command for transactions. Lets say we have a client with a single connection to valkey, and the client handles concurrent requests over this single connection,…
I’m using Parallels on my Mac to run a Windows 11 VM. Docker Desktop is running on the Mac. I’ve created an Aspire.NET 9 app that uses Redis. The app is developed using VS Code on the Mac and Visual…
I am trying to set some tunables for jemalloc at runtime, before launching Redis. : Says that I can set the environment variable MALLOC_CONF. This is how I am doing that. I run export MALLOC_CONF=narenas:40 in my shell, then…
When I call the @CachePut function, I get the error: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E: Property or field 'universalId' cannot be found on null. universalId is one of the fields of CreateAccountRequest but it could not find and could not generate key in…
What is the difference between celery -A tasks worker -l info --concurrency=4 And celery -A tasks worker -l info -n worker1@%h celery -A tasks worker -l info -n worker2@%h celery -A tasks worker -l info -n worker3@%h celery -A tasks…