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Redis command times increase over time on same load

On redis I have around 1.2M json documents, 1st namespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.PRedis:* around 700K json keys 2nd nemespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.SRedis:* around 550K json keys every 1 hour for each namespace a job is run that will update all json keys, create new…


redis (ledis) become slow after flushdb

I use the following command to clear the Ledis index. from redis import StrictRedis db_value = 7 redis = StrictRedis(host=HOST, **cloud_cfg, db=db_value) redis.flushdb() After I clear the index, I use following command: from redis import StrictRedis db_value = 7 redis…

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