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Celery not executing new tasks if redis lost connection is restablished

I have a Celery worker configured to connect to redis as follows: celery_app_site24x7 = Celery('monitoringExterne.celerys.site24x7', broker=settings.REDIS['broker'], backend=settings.REDIS['backend']) celery_app_site24x7.conf.broker_transport_options = { 'visibility_timeout': 36000 } celery_app_site24x7.conf.socket_timeout = 300 celery_app_site24x7.conf.broker_connection_max_retries = None celery_app_site24x7.config_from_object('django.conf:settings') celery_app_site24x7.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS) The issue is that if Redis is down…


Cannot Delete Key From Redis

I'm trying to delete this key local::1:global:queries:/search/issues?version=1.9&search=&limit=20&offset=0&category=1152:count from my Redis database using the DEL command, but it will not delete. It just returns 0. I'm able to delete other keys that are much simpler i.e. local::1:global:categories:1152 without a problem. I'm…

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