Fetching keys from Redis
Is there a possibility of fetching n number of keys at a time in Redis? I have more than a million keys in a Redis and I want to prepare a csv file of 100k records each. I want to…
Is there a possibility of fetching n number of keys at a time in Redis? I have more than a million keys in a Redis and I want to prepare a csv file of 100k records each. I want to…
I have used laravel redis but when i trying store cache data to redis it will show in all other pcs like server side how can i make client side? I have used redis server for my website Thank in…
Lumen Version: 6.0 PHP Version: 7.2 Database Driver & Version: MySql 5.7, Redis Code use IlluminateSupportFacadesRedis; Redis::set($key, $data, 'EX', $expiry); in app.php $app->withFacades(); $app->withEloquent(); $app->register(IlluminateRedisRedisServiceProvider::class); $app->configure('database'); Using the above code gives Class 'Redis' not found error. This error occurs only…
I have recently started with django. And I started doing a small project. I've been using celery with redis worker. And every to use celery and redis I have to run the celery and redis server and then django server.…
I have a struct like that type User struct { Nickname *string `json:"nickname"` Phone *string `json:"phone"` } Values are placed in redis with HMSET command. (values can be nil) Now I'm trying to scan values into a structure: values, err…
Hello I am having problems with my setInterval it is only executing only once the if else checks below is my function const redis = require('redis'); const cache = redis.createClient(); require('./execSocket'); function teste(){ cache.dbsize(function(err,res){ if(res){ console.log(res); if(res > 10){ require('./execSql');…
public async validateToken(req, res): Promise<any> { const token = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1] || req.params.token; await this.redisClient.SISMEMBER("tokenBlackListSet", token, function( err, data ) { if (data) { // here i get data=1 as token is present in tokenBlackListSet return { // so this…
I have large data approx 1,00,000 for employee. I have stored this data to one Redis key called "employess". Now there is one screen where I would like to perform search on some field & sort on each column along…
i have a question about HSET in redis. As far as i know, redis is a key-value database. that means every thing store as a key-value and we don't have table for example. i wanted to save something in redis…
I have a Redis cache, I have set a few keys in that, and now I need to get all the keys and their values. It seems that there is no direct method to get this. I can see only…