Docker – cannot get to redis from aspire.net9
I’m using Parallels on my Mac to run a Windows 11 VM. Docker Desktop is running on the Mac. I’ve created an Aspire.NET 9 app that uses Redis. The app is developed using VS Code on the Mac and Visual…
I’m using Parallels on my Mac to run a Windows 11 VM. Docker Desktop is running on the Mac. I’ve created an Aspire.NET 9 app that uses Redis. The app is developed using VS Code on the Mac and Visual…
I am trying to set some tunables for jemalloc at runtime, before launching Redis. : Says that I can set the environment variable MALLOC_CONF. This is how I am doing that. I run export MALLOC_CONF=narenas:40 in my shell, then…
When I call the @CachePut function, I get the error: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E: Property or field 'universalId' cannot be found on null. universalId is one of the fields of CreateAccountRequest but it could not find and could not generate key in…
What is the difference between celery -A tasks worker -l info --concurrency=4 And celery -A tasks worker -l info -n worker1@%h celery -A tasks worker -l info -n worker2@%h celery -A tasks worker -l info -n worker3@%h celery -A tasks…
On redis I have around 1.2M json documents, 1st namespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.PRedis:* around 700K json keys 2nd nemespace: com.test.api.redis.model.document.SRedis:* around 550K json keys every 1 hour for each namespace a job is run that will update all json keys, create new…
My laravel application is behind load balancer and 2 EC2 instances are running simultaneously. Before I was managing cronjob on only one server but this is not ideal way because if load increased or something unusual error happen and if…
Instructions In this stage of this project I'm making, I need to add support for the ECHO command. ECHO is a command like PING that's used for testing and debugging. It accepts a single argument and returns it back as…
I had a problem connecting to aws elasticache, I found some solutions but couldn't solve the problem. Hope anyone can help. const redis = createClient({ socket: { host: process.env.REDIS_HOST, port: Number(process.env.REDIS_PORT), tls: true, connectTimeout: 30000, }, }); error logs Redis…
I’m new to Redis. I've started a Redis server on an EC2 instance and can connect using the command: $ redis6-cli -h localhost localhost:6379> However, when I try to connect using the public IP address from the same machine, the…
I have an app running in docker and also have redis as a service. Redis is building successfully and i can see the service running in same container but the app is unable to connect it. Docker service running docker…