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Asynchronous code failure when connecting to redis

I created a small class to perform basic operations with redis, using aioredis. class RedisService: def __init__(self, r_url) -> str: self.redis = r_url async def create_connection(self): return await aioredis.create_redis(self.redis) async def _get(self, key) -> str: try: return await self.create_connection().get(key, encoding='utf-8')…


Spring-boot Redis JMS JUnit

I am using Redis Server for message broker in my spring boot application. Is there any simple way to Junit my publish and receive API? e.g : Publisher : public String publish(Object domainObj) { template.convertAndSend(topic.getTopic(), domainObj.toString()); return "Event Published"; }…


Redis Queues – How to resume

Let's suppose we have a list of tasks to be executed and some workers that pop items from that list. If a worker crashes unexpectedly before finishing the execution of the task then that task is lost. What kind of…

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