Postgresql – user does not inherit table privileges
Here is my problem : I have created a role R1 that have all privileges on schema S1. I also have created two users U1, U2, with inherit, that both are members of R1. U1 has created a table in…
Here is my problem : I have created a role R1 that have all privileges on schema S1. I also have created two users U1, U2, with inherit, that both are members of R1. U1 has created a table in…
I'm looking for a confirmation and possible explanation. In PostgreSQL, I create a table A, referencing table B by FK with constrain option ON DELETE UPDATE SET DEFAULT. If the referenced record from table B is deleted, the physical "change"…
I created a custom user role in WordPress: add_role('warehouse', 'Warehouse', get_role('administrator')->capabilities); How to add translations for the role name so that it shows up in admin dashboard in the correct language based on the preferences of the currently logged in…
I want to grant AppService access to a Bing resource (Microsoft.Bing/accounts@2020-06-10). Which role (Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions) should I set in Bing's IAM (Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments)? In detail, I need to know the following xxx. var role = subscriptionResourceId( 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', 'xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx' ) resource searchServiceIndexAppPermissions 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-04-01-preview'…
I'm new to Postgres, and I want to delete a role named rp_ts04, but it complains about dependencies. I don't know how to check for these dependencies. I've checked information_schema but it doesn't show any relation to rp_ts04. Can anyone…
I am trying to authorize Users and Roles in such a way that each user cannot have access to another's id when it comes to Editing. For example, if I enter the editing page for My Termins(Meetings)(in this case) http://localhost:8000/admin/termins/2/edit…
I've created a backup of a database on one computer postgres@machine1$ pg_dump mydb > mydb.dump.sql and then, from a second computer, having created a mydb database, I restore it from the dump postgres@machine2$ psql -d mydb -f mydb.dump.sql The problem…
Hi Im fairly new to Laravel and what I am trying to achieve is to assign user role to User while registering. I have successfully seeded and created my User table which contains role_id. I have created login and logout…
I'm creating custom admin panel in Laravel and trying to make redirect to login page for unathorized users. There is so many posts about it in the web, but they are for older versions of Laravel and I couldnt find…
Several questions about Azure App Roles and PHP. As I understand it, I can get the app roles either by REST API or Microsoft Graph. I was hoping to use the API route and found some posts on Stack overflow…