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Html – What is the correct way to scale this SVG?

I have e.g. this SVG: <svg><rect width="6" height="14" x="1" y="4" fill="currentColor"><animate id="svgSpinnersBarsFade0" fill="freeze" attributeName="opacity" begin="0;svgSpinnersBarsFade1.end-0.25s" dur="0.75s" values="1;.2"></animate></rect><rect width="6" height="14" x="9" y="4" fill="currentColor" opacity=".4"><animate fill="freeze" attributeName="opacity" begin="svgSpinnersBarsFade0.begin+0.15s" dur="0.75s" values="1;.2"></animate></rect><rect width="6" height="14" x="17" y="4" fill="currentColor" opacity=".3"><animate id="svgSpinnersBarsFade1" fill="freeze" attributeName="opacity" begin="svgSpinnersBarsFade0.begin+0.3s" dur="0.75s" values="1;.2"></animate></rect></svg>…


Html – how can I make this auto multiple line

how can I make this auto multiple line im using html & css Here is my code(i change a bit cuz some code is from php): <div style='border: 1px solid; padding: 10px;margin-top: 5px;'> <h2 style='margin: 0'>Name&nbsp-&nbsp#id</h2> <hr> <span>ContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContent</span> </div><br> How…

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