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unable to click button with unique button data-order-group-id 's information python+selenium – SEO

javascript code (repeat order 1): <div class="col-ea-1 repeat-order repeatable-order"> #common row in other snippets <button data-order-group-id="a9755447-04ff-4d00-59bf-06ff87f8ead6" #different row data-restaurant-seo-url="/abc-pizza-bayburt-kirazli-mah" class="ys-btn ys-btn-primary ys-btn-aa middle repeat-order-button"> REPEAT ORDER </button> ==$0 </div> In the above snippet javascript code, there is more than one…


Selenium + Python + Unittest:Error message when executing Test "Other element would receive the click" – Magento

Details: In my current project I am writing test cases about Python and Selenium within Magento. In doing so I request a slide surface (button). Request: def test_pagebuilder_slide_button_pagebuilder_button_primary(self): driver = self.driver driver.get("") time.sleep(15) try: driver.find_element_by_id("slick-slide-control01").click() except AssertionError as e: self.verificationErrors.append(str(e))…

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