Seo – How can I use searchParams in Layout with SSR?
I am creating platform that has pagination in layout. I don't want to make this layout client side for SEO and Speed. How can I access my searchParams in layout component with SSR ?
I am creating platform that has pagination in layout. I don't want to make this layout client side for SEO and Speed. How can I access my searchParams in layout component with SSR ?
I have a project built on Expo and react-native-web for Android, IOS and Web as well. I am using Expo router for navigation and @shopify/restyle for styling. I want to implement SEO or SSR to this web application. I have…
In recent versions of nextjs, one can use the use client directive to tell nextjs to render the component "in the client", instead of on the server. Digging deeper into this, its a terrible name, because components that use use…
I want server side render in my react project show that google bot can read the content of react project and my site can easily rank I want code and method how can I do that Server Side Rendering please…
I am using the Next.js App Router architecture, and I have a post page that calls an API and passes the data to a component. I have already implemented simple interactions like clicking to change some styles, etc. However, how…
I've upgraded my app to Angular 18, and I want to use SSR technology in order to have better performance and SEO. Without SSR, I had no problem relative to deploy and run in production my app, but now I…
The manifest contains mappings of module IDs to their associated chunks and asset files. I did't find context.modules for vite react ssr. The @vitejs/plugin-vue supports it for vue. What about the @vitejs/plugin-react? Is there a vite plugin which supports context.modules…
I'm new at this of deploying my apps, I have one app finished and ready to deploy, also I already do the build section, so i have the dist folder, but if you remember in Anguar 16 < you only…
I'm using NextJS14 with the app router. I want to create a game project. Initially, a description of the game and a Start button are displayed. When the Start button is clicked, the description disappears and the game begins. "use…
For this question I have created the following demo Next.js application using the App directory: It has a standard RootLayout in app/layout.tsx. It has a nested Layout in a route group app/(app)/layout.tsx. This layout contains <nav />. It has two…