What is the standard practice to store JWT tokens in Redis?
Should I store the JWT token as a key and corresponding user info as value in Redis so that I can fetch info by token if valid or should I encode the user data in JWT itself and use Redis…
Should I store the JWT token as a key and corresponding user info as value in Redis so that I can fetch info by token if valid or should I encode the user data in JWT itself and use Redis…
<Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore" directory="/somewhere/" /> If the number of files in the folder increases - lets say to a million (currently 50k) - this might become an issue in CentOS? Is there a way to divide the sessions to sub-directories? Or…
I came across an Issue where public urls won't work in Spring security, when you already have an SessionID which is not valid anymore. Example: I have the user-register page and gave it a permitAll access like so: http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/register**").permitAll(); http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated();…
I am working on a project in CodeIgniter 3. A user can make an online payment via paytm payment gateway on the booking page. After the user completes the payment process, he is redirected back to my website which is…
I am executing a Python file, that saves images to folders called 'latestimage.png' to a folder, in a PHP web page using this: $proc = popen('python -u python.py', 'r'); echo '<pre>'; while (!feof($proc)) { echo fread($proc, 4096); } echo '</pre>';…
In relation to How to create a secure login system using cookies and sessions? I'm building a simple forum, spending my time securing $_SESSION => hashing as mindful person about security but simple one because my future website will be…
The current session ID keeps changing on every request. I have a file called session.php. It has this php code in it: <?php session_start(); $s_id = session_id(); print_r($s_id); ?> Everytime I navigate to a other page this ID changes. How…
The Setup We’re building a PWA (progressive web app). The main components are the app shell (SPA) and the API. The REST API will supply the data needed for the app, while the SPA will handle the rest (as per…
I send a value to a php file with AJAX. I am having this function in jQuery: // Service select change $container.on('change', '.bookly-js-select-service', function() { var gekozen_behandeling = this.value; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/behandeling.php', data: { behandeling_nieuw: gekozen_behandeling }, dataType:…
Assume user is already logged into system. User performed the some activity and based on that they receive one email. Email has one link, if user clicks that they will be redirected to appropriate screen. But due to some reason…