Javascript – Set Interval Js
I want to make slide show with js using setinterval function but i don't know why my code not working . while there is no error in console . i have number of pictures named start with bk then followed…
I want to make slide show with js using setinterval function but i don't know why my code not working . while there is no error in console . i have number of pictures named start with bk then followed…
Consider this code: const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState<number>(START_VALUE); useEffect(() => { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { setSeconds((previousSeconds) => previousSeconds - 1); }, 1000); if (seconds <= 0) { clearInterval(intervalId); functionX(); } return () => clearInterval(intervalId); }, [seconds]); The problem…
I am implementing a typewriter effect in my React app where I fetch a string from a URL and display it one character at a time. I expect the effect to start from the first character (index 0) and proceed…
Trying to figure out why the output of the following code is the way it is console.log("Start"); setInterval(function() { console.log("setInterval"); }, 5000); let date = new Date(); while(new Date() - date <= 10000) {} console.log("End"); Actual Output Start .... 10…
i'm new to javascript and programming (3 months) and am trying to make a sorting algorithm visualizer like the ones you see on youtube. i had an issue where the for loops usually used were just way to quick to…
I'm facing issue in updating the setStartTime inside setInterval function. I want to update the startTime every minute. To update that, I've created a useRef and storing the value in timeRef.current. Every minute, startTime is getting updated. const [startTimeOffsetMins, setStartTimeOffsetMins]…
I have a JavaScript function of chrome extension that I need to run at exact 5-minute intervals, synchronized with the current time. For example, it should run at 5:00, 5:05, 5:10, and so on, regardless of when the script starts…
I coded a stopwatch watching tutorials with JS. I commented out a few lines of code that my tutor had written, something that I do not understand. So after I commented those lines out, whenever I click the start button…
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; function Child() { const [time, setTime] = useState(new Date()); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { setTime(new Date()); }, 1000); }, []); return <p>The current time is: {time.toLocaleTimeString()}</p>; } export…
I have this code with css animation: @keyframes progress-bar { 0% { width: 0; } 50% { width: 100%; } 100% { width: 0; } } .box { position: relative; height: 3px; margin-top: 20px; background: transparent; } .line { position:…