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How To Enable Block Inside Fifty Different Sections Without Copying Meta Code? – Shopify

I am developing a Shopify Theme. The structure I have now is (excerpt): Snippets custom-message-snippet Sections custom-message-section welcome-page-a-section welcome-page-b-section Templates welcome-page-a-template welcome-page-b-template ... Custom message snippet uses settings that are in the custom-message-section, that is: a) message b) header text…


Shopify 2.0 sections everywhere

It was my understanding from the Shopify 2.0 announcement that finally Shopify were allowing users to add sections to every page and template individually, rather than just the homepage, or individual templates. However I'm in the middle of building my…


How to display products from specific tag in shopify?

How to display products from specific tag "organic" in shopify custom template? Here is my code. {% if customer.tags contains 'organic' %} <div class="product-list product-list--collection"> {%- for product in collections.all.products limit: product_limit-%} {% for c in product.collections %} {% if…


Cycle inside render tag – Shopify

I am looping through products and I need the cycle tag based on loop. {% for product in collection.products %} {% render 'product-grid-item', product: product %} {% endfor %} Inside the "product-grid-item", I have: {% assign class_1 = 'small-6 medium-4'…

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