How can I change the arrow on a <select> tag? – Shopify
I would like to change the standard arrow on a button with options to an svg icon. The first image is how it looks now and the second is how I would like it to look. I would like to…
I would like to change the standard arrow on a button with options to an svg icon. The first image is how it looks now and the second is how I would like it to look. I would like to…
If a customer lands on any page of the Shopify site (not Plus), with a referral parameter in GET (?ref=something), how can this value be carried over to the checkout and order confirmation pages, where the domain is different? One…
Any idea on why I keep getting this error I currently am running a monitor script it and it runs fine for a bit, but as long as it detects a bunch of links come in at the same time,…
I'm trying to edit a shopify theme and the last part I'm stuck on is getting these navigation menus to open on hovering instead of clicking. The css I have for the menus is: .site-nav { position: relative; padding: 0;…
I'd like to insert static non-product images within a Boundless theme collection product grid, in order to chop it up a bit and add some extra visual content to my clothing store. Something along the lines of Prod1, Prod2, Prod3,…
I'm creating draft orders using the Shopify API, the API documentation says " the draft order can be paid, set to pending, or paid by credit card; in each case, the draft order is set to completed and an order…
$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/cart/add.js', data: { quantity: 1, id: form_data }, success: function(response) { console.log('in success'); var url = $("#af-btn").attr("href"); window.location.href = $("#af-btn").attr("href"); }, error: function(response) { console.log(response + "in error"); var url = $("#af-btn").attr("href"); //window.location.href = $("#af-btn").attr("href"); },…
I'm calling in a product SKU number that is supposed to change when the variant is selected based on this Shopify tutorial. As instructed I place the following snippet where I want the SKU to display: {% assign current_variant =…
I'm creating a shopify theme but when i add this script to carti got a bug. Whe you try increment products in cart they jump 2 by 2. HTML <div class="quantity"> <input type="number" name="updates[]" value="{{ item.quantity }}" data-id="{{ }}"…
I have a page on my site that lists all the vendors in my shop like so: <div class="vendor-list" id="designers-a-to-z"> <ul> {% assign current = "" %} {% capture alphabet %} -A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z {% endcapture %} {% assign letters = alphabet…