Design pattern to connect spring and MongoDB
I am new to Spring Boot and I saw a concept of DAO or JPA that helps us to use Relational databases. But in my case I want to use mongo-DB so is there a particular design pattern with spring…
I am new to Spring Boot and I saw a concept of DAO or JPA that helps us to use Relational databases. But in my case I want to use mongo-DB so is there a particular design pattern with spring…
I have this: A field which is a map where the keys are UUIDs and the value another object which is not relevant. A list of UUIDs that should be passed as parameter. I want to: delete from the collection…
I have a Problem with KeyCloak 19.0.1 deployed in Kubernetes as custom docker image (build by me) and Spring Boot client application. I see in my app logs: o.k.adapters.OAuthRequestAuthenticator : failed verification of token: Invalid token issuer. Expected '', but…
I'm learning Docker and I'm trying to create an Image of my current Spring project. I'm trying to run mvn spring-boot:build-image to create a docker image for my Spring Boot project, but I got this error when I execute it…
I am trying to update our Spring Boot project. The problem is that as soon as I do this the following error occurs that we can't get fixed: Parameter 0 of constructor in required a bean of type ''…
When I was fetching the data only it was working properly, but now I want to apply pagination its not working don't know why? I have tried running query in mysql and there it is working but here not working.…
We have a spring-boot application which is deployed to lambda in AWS. Code public AbstractRedisClient getClient(String host, String port) {"redis-uri" + "redis://"+host+":"+port); return RedisClient.create("redis://"+host+":"+port); } /** * Returns the Redis connection using the Lettuce-Redis-Client * * @return RedisClient */…
Hello I have an app in Spring Boot and I am exposing some metrics on Prometheus. My next goal is to provide these metrics on Grafana in order to obtain some beautiful dashboards. I am using docker on WSL Ubuntu…
I am try to get some random data from the MySql data base, in order to get that data I use the following query @Query(nativeQuery = true,value = "select question from test_questions order by RAND() limit 4") and I put…
In Service When I use print the keys that output null but print the ids that is correct please tell me why I'm sure the database has data orderBean @EntityListeners(AuditingEntityListener.class) @Entity @Table(name = "`Order`") public class OrderBean { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy…