Postgresql – JPA repository query that returns all rows with a nth-to-nth relation
I have a table that looks like this: id A B 1 A1 B1 2 A1 B2 3 A2 B2 4 A2 B3 Then I have a list of items for which I want to find the corresponding database rows.…
I have a table that looks like this: id A B 1 A1 B1 2 A1 B2 3 A2 B2 4 A2 B3 Then I have a list of items for which I want to find the corresponding database rows.…
We have applications written in Spring Boot and using jpa to access existing databases. We are in need to upgrade our Aurora (MySQL) database to the latest version which is compatible with MySQL 8. The problem we are having is…
Imagine a table of user messages that looks like this: | ID | MESSAGE | RECIPIENT_ID | ULTIMATE_PARENT_ID | SENT_AT | | 1 | Blah. | 10 | 1 | 2024-09-10T10:10:00 | | 2 | Blah2 | 10 | 2…
I'm working on a Spring Boot application using Spring Data JPA, and I'm trying to create a repository method that retrieves a random list of questions from a Question table based on a specified category. I attempted to use the…
I am unable to connect my spring boot application to a PostgreSQL database using Spring JPA. Below is my application.yaml file. spring: application: name: jaah datasource: url: jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/taah username: waah password: blah driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver jpa: database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect hibernate: ddl-auto: update…
I've created a table CREATE TABLE test_table ( id VARCHAR(36) PRIMARY KEY, text_arr VARCHAR[][] NOT NULL ) and an entity @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Getter @Entity @Table(name = "test_table") public class TestTable { @Id private String id; private String[][] text_arr; } also…
I have created one project in spring boot which is book-store . I have one post service which is used to take details of book and author also and save that into db [both book and author at same time].…
So i have this ENUM in my PostgreSQL: CREATE TYPE process_status AS ENUM('CREATED','ONGOING','DONE'); ALTER TABLE process ADD status process_status NOT NULL DEFAULT 'CREATED'; In my code: @Getter public enum Status { CREATED("Created"), ONGOING("Ongoing"), DONE("Done"); private final String status; Status(String status)…
I'm encountering a problem in a Spring Boot application using Hibernate, where OneToOne relationships involving entities with composite keys are not mapped correctly in a PostgreSQL database. Specifically, Hibernate maps the same entity instance to two properties in a parent…
I am developing job portal similar and I had postgresql table job_seeker with column name skill holds the job seeker skills as comma separated values table name - job_seeker columns - id name skills values(data) -1 mahesh java,spring,mysql 2 rakesh…