Mysql – SQL Query Sum Group by
I have a table similar to structure below table ID EmployeeID factor 1. 100 A 2. 100 B 2. 100 C my requirement is for a given EmployeeID I need to replace the factor with numerical values and sum the…
I have a table similar to structure below table ID EmployeeID factor 1. 100 A 2. 100 B 2. 100 C my requirement is for a given EmployeeID I need to replace the factor with numerical values and sum the…
I'm creating a constraint in a table so that none of 8 columns must be equal to each other. I wanted to do it like this: alter table mytable add constraint no_duplicate_values check (col_1 <> col_2 <> col__3 <> col__4…
I am working on a project for migrating database from Informix to Postgresql and not able to find a replacement of "MATCHES" in Postgresql. Below is the sql query which I am trying to make work in Postgresql. SELECT DISTINCT…
I have such query in my program: SELECT customer.Id, customer.FirstName, customer.LastName, SUM(PeriodHours) AS SUMPeriodHours, PeriodDay FROM ( (SELECT CustomerId, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(taskinterval.EndDateUtc) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(taskinterval.StartDateUtc)) / 3600 AS PeriodHours, date(taskinterval.StartDateUtc) as PeriodDay FROM taskinterval WHERE StartDateUtc > @STARTDATE and StartDateUtc<@ENDDATE ) AS tmptbl…
I use MWAA to run my SQL jobs, which are executed on RDS MySQL Community. For example, I start with job 'A', and once it's completed, I proceed to run job 'B'. In job 'A', I use insert SQL to…
Good afternoon! Looking for some advice specific to Postgres. It does not have an equivalent to CHOOSE(), but I would like to use it to pick a random string from a list. I.e.: SELECT CHOOSE ('red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green'); Is…
I want the solution like each item id all messages between sender and receiver and need all rows belongs to user i.e. if sender id = 3 and receiver id = 25 then it will list out all message of…
I have a query to be run in one IAM tool where we are comparing last passwordchangedate and now. i just needs to know whether below query will throw error if we pass null value inside DATEDIFF()? SELECT DISTINCT u.username…
I want to filter in subquery with aliased field from main query: select a.created_at::date as creation_date, a.column as col1, (select count(*) from table b where a.col1 = b.col1 and a.created_at::date = b.created_at::date) as count_one from table a group by creation_date,…
I am using MySQL and I would like a field in my table to be periodically incremented per month. I'm making a banking application and would like to give an interest rate for all the accounts... can anyone please advice…