Postgresql – Create an SQLAlchemy table that only has maximum one entry
I want to store a secret key encrypted and I want to ensure there is always either none or exactly one entry in this SQLAlchemy model/table. How can this be enforced?
I want to store a secret key encrypted and I want to ensure there is always either none or exactly one entry in this SQLAlchemy model/table. How can this be enforced?
I have been trying to build a docker-compose container for my back-end service using Fastapi.The issue is docker-compose container logs keep returning that my database engine fails. I am using asyncpg for async connection in postgresql. ╰─λ sudo docker-compose logs…
I'm applying the FastAPI to develop an API collection. In VS Code, I've added a virtual environment and a Python interpreter path. sqlalchemy dependency was installed in the venv, but Python was still unable to locate the package. Help is appreciated.…
I'm trying to run a FastAPI application with a MySQL database in a Docker environment, but I'm encountering a connection error. The application is unable to connect to the database. Here's the error I'm getting: Copysqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (2003, "Can't connect…
I need to make a python script using a query and params formatted as a list of dicts to use the execute function on the engine object. The script that I have been trying only returns -1: db_type = "mssql+pyodbc"…
I am trying to select a segment if: settings dict is not null Has key user_parameters in it And user_parameters (dict) has key user_id in it Code below: user_id = '100952' select([self.db.segments]).where( and_( self.db.segments.c.settings.isnot(None), cast(self.db.segments.c.settings, JSON)["user_parameters"].as_string().contains(f"'{user_id}'"), ) ) Converting JSON…
I am genuinely baffled by the behavior I'm seeing so I'm hoping someone can shed some light onto what's going on here. Basically, I have a web app using FastAPI and SQLAlchemy in the back end that involves users posting…
I'm trying to execute the following query using sqlalchemy: query = session.query( func.count( ).filter(ExampleTable.environment == self.environment)) if ids_list: query = query.filter( I noticed it was slow, so i did a simple timing "benchmark": start = perf_counter() query.first() print(format(perf_counter() - start,…
so my problem is i am trying to make an enum with int values but it didn't work. first of all, this is the code. class UserRole(enum.IntEnum): publisher = 4 editor = 3 manager = 2 admin = 1 class…
I am using python to query an external api, transform the data and write it to a postgresql database internally. In that process, I am comparing the result from the api with existing data in the database using pandas and…