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Data Adding Issue to SqLite DB through Dialogue in Android Studio – Flutter

public class MyDialogue extends AppCompatDialogFragment { private EditText edtkeytitle; //MyDbCode db = new MyDbCode(getActivity()); //BUT I AM GETTING ISSUE HERE IN INITIALISATION @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); View…


Flutter Login With Database SQLite

I a creating a Login page with SQLite, but in the file UserModel in directory lib/models, there is this error: This is the code: class UserModel { String _name; String _email; String _password; UserModel(this._name, this._email, this._password); //Receiving data from server…


Laravel bug: making column nullable stops it from being added to table

I have a SQLite database with the following migration defined: Schema::create("views", function(Blueprint $table){ $table->integer("match_id"); $table->string("pov"); $table->string("teams"); $table->text("moves"); $table->bigIncrements("id"); $table->date("created_at"); $table->date("updated_at"); }); Note: id is the primary key of the table, match_id should just be treated as any other column. This…

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