Mysql – Potential Use of DENSE_RANK() in SQL
In SQL I'm looking for a potential function which I can use to apply a row number each time a certain criteria is met. Each time the Unique ID is the same (i.e. same person) and the Dep_Group is WES…
In SQL I'm looking for a potential function which I can use to apply a row number each time a certain criteria is met. Each time the Unique ID is the same (i.e. same person) and the Dep_Group is WES…
This is the code that is supposed to return an html report by and ssms job. DECLARE @DataInicialMesAnterior DATE, @DataFinalMesAnterior DATE; SET @DataInicialMesAnterior = DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()) - 1, 0); SET @DataFinalMesAnterior = DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()),…
I Want to select transactions under PL Category 52105 and transaction codes 9007 & 9803, but the results are are picking other transaction codes other than those 2. Where am I getting it wrong? FROM [Steward].[dbo].[vwNONFUNDED_RECOMP_04] WHERE PL_CATEGORY_CATEG_STMT IN ('52105')…
I'm trying to deploy a .bacpac to my Azure Subscription, the database has some Azure AD users. I can generate the .bacpac with SSMS, but when I deploy the replicated database on Azure, I'm getting this error: Could not import…
i saved a table in my SSMS database but its not showing even after i refresh it. any idea what should be done??
I have an on premise SQL Server database that is the backend for our project management software, a Azure sql table that contains limited data used for reporting with power bi and a linked server to connect the two. Both…
I have an Azure SQL Server resource for which I'm the Azure AD admin. I have provided the resource access "Contributor" to another user who cannot access the database through SQL Server Management Studio as he is receiving the following…
I got a message from Microsoft in the last few days Azure SQL Database 2014-04-01 APIs will be retired on 31 October 2025. You're receiving this email because you use Azure SQL Database APIs. To improve performance and security, we're…
I I prepared a simple c# script that can rename a file on my local directory. When I run it in visual studio it completes successfully and rename the file. the code below; public void Main() { // TODO: Add…
my target was to moved all the mssql databases from sql server management studio express 2005 server to sql server management studio express 2008 server. For this i first created the databases and the users in the new server via…