Ios swift – SQLite Expression – name space conflict with Xcode 16/iOS 18
When you will update Xcode 15 to Xcode 16, you will get many errors using SQLite.swift library. For example: Missing argument label 'value:' in call etc, etc. How to fix them?
When you will update Xcode 15 to Xcode 16, you will get many errors using SQLite.swift library. For example: Missing argument label 'value:' in call etc, etc. How to fix them?
I got a build error for below code after using xcode 16 Cast from 'ObservableCollection<E>.SectionsChange' (aka 'CollectionChange<Int, ObservableArray<E>>') to unrelated type 'ObservableCollection<Int>.SectionsChange' (aka 'CollectionChange<Int, ObservableArray<Int>>') always fails for the section protocol method I implemented, first cast is still working class…
I'm having trouble getting a sheet to expand past the safe area and touch the leading and trailing edges of the screen when the device is in landscape. Ideally the sheet would have all the benefits of using .presentationCompactAdaptation(.sheet) and…
I'm trying to extract the value of tax_amount from JSON string but this line let taxAmountS = json["tax_amount"] as? String triggers an error. A print out of json (json string) looks like it should work, here it is ["client_secret": pi_3Q5hYZHbqLi,…
How can I call in Swift 6 a normal async function from a MainActor function? I do not want to execute URLRequests on the MainThread I want to switch from the Main Thread to an async Thread but I have…
I have a list that searches through a nutrition api and displays the search result in a list. Up until upgrading to ios 18, everything worked flawlessly. Now, when the list is created, sometimes the onTapGesture is recognizes and loads…
I’ve noticed that Firestore doesn’t automatically remove snapshot listeners when a view is dismissed. For example, in my Login view, I fetch a list of accounts using a Firestore snapshot listener and pass a completion handler to it. After logging…
After upgrading to Xcode 16, the UITests target started getting a compilation error: Missing required module 'Testing'. The problem affects only UITest. In Xcode 15 everything works fine. Any ideas what can be done? I tried to connect manually testing…
After navigating to project directory and typing the command 'pod init', the following error is showing in the terminal: ――― MARKDOWN TEMPLATE ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Command /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin/pod init Report What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead?…
I have a view structure implemented in Swift using UIKit where a UIView contains a UILabel. The UILabel can have text with 1 line at minimum and up to 3 lines at maximum. I want to ensure that the UIView’s…