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How to create dynamic collection view in a table view cell, without reloading table view swift? – Ios swift

I'm using this code in cellForRowAt : cell.frame = tableView.bounds cell.layoutIfNeeded() collectionView.reloadData() heightConstraint.constant = collectionView.collectionViewLayout.collectionViewContentSize.height and func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { return UITableView.automaticDimension } This works at the first time, but when I load more…


Get average of Integer values by comparing 2 different array based on their index – Ios swift

I'm stuck in this problem. Here is my Dictionary of arrays: {"Image":["22301657205688/Chin2231657205705u3zK.jpeg","22301657205688/Chin2231657205707k6HN.jpeg","22301657205688/Chin2231657205708Ip57.jpeg","22301657205688/Forehead2231657205693CbX9.jpeg","22301657205688/L Cheek2231657205697g8d4.jpeg","22301657205688/Nose22316572057008AGT.jpeg","22301657205688/Nose2231657205702k9OU.jpeg"],"OutputScore":[3,9,9,3,1,3,9],"TotalScore":5.285714285714286} I need to get the average number of OutputScore for the common Image name like Chin and Nose which are common in an array of Image. How…

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