XCUITest How to dismiss date picker popover – Ios swift
In iOS 15 I've got a date picker in my app that uses the .compact style so it presents the date and time selection UI as popovers. I can't find a way to dismiss the popover in a UI test,…
In iOS 15 I've got a date picker in my app that uses the .compact style so it presents the date and time selection UI as popovers. I can't find a way to dismiss the popover in a UI test,…
I'm trying to display a Subscribe Now modal view instantly after the app starts to encourage users to subscribe to the Pro In-App Purchase, so I used the .onAppear modifier, and it works fine only if I want to show…
I am showing pincodes in tableview, and when i select a cell then it should select and if i tap on the same cell again then it should deselect(while tapping cell should work like switch) but with below code issue…
I'm getting this error in production and can't find a way to reproduce it. Fatal error > No ObservableObject of type PurchaseManager found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for PurchaseManager may be missing as an ancestor of this view. > PurchaseManager > SwiftUI…
I have an overlay transition that uses matchedgeometry effect, as shown in this video: Matched Geometry Effect with same sized text I want to enlarge the transitioned text after the animation, but it seems that the text frame isn't being…
There is a method to change the app icon when the user click a button? Thanks in advance. i'm using: Interface Builder: Storyboard Language: Swift macOS: 12 Xcode Version: 13.1
On my iOS app written in Swift I need to take pictures and save them on gallery; as Apple documentation, all the pictures are taken in landscape also if the phone is in portrait; if we save the picture as-is…
Above I have a TabBarController with 4 buttons. When I press the second TabBarItem(Cars) or third TabBarItem(Bicycles) I want to pass some values from the firstTabBarItem(HomeScreen) . I'm using Swift 5 and I don't have a SceneDelegate in my main…
I made an apps with only using XIB (without storyboard). so to navigate I'm using this code to push some of the views: let vc = SecondViewController() self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) I already make the first vc as rootvc, so it…
Given the following code: struct CopyButtonStyle: ButtonStyle { init() {} func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { let copyIconSize: CGFloat = 24 return Image(systemName: "doc.on.doc") .renderingMode(.template) .resizable() .frame(width: copyIconSize, height: copyIconSize) .accessibilityIdentifier("copy_button") .opacity(configuration.isPressed ? 0.5 : 1) } } I'm…