Xcode – I cannot find AudioKitUI
I used the SPM to download AudioKit but whenever I try to import AudioKitUI into a file, I'm told its not found. I've tried using cocoapods and directly loading the pods 'AudioKit/UI' to fix it but to no success. I…
I used the SPM to download AudioKit but whenever I try to import AudioKitUI into a file, I'm told its not found. I've tried using cocoapods and directly loading the pods 'AudioKit/UI' to fix it but to no success. I…
Executing the following lines in your app will somehow break the keyboard and its toolbar. The toolbar "detaches" from the keyboard and starts sliding in and out at the very top of the screen underneath the status bar. if #available(iOS…
I use the Lottie animation library in XCode. But when I go to another page, the animation is running in the background. When I go back the main page, the animation is running twice and there is too much RAM…
I've developed a custom control for money input, which contains UITextField and UILabel. When the user taps on it, it becomes active and switches to the UITextField for data input and accepts only numbers and dot symbol, when the user…
Do all @Published variables need to have an initial value in a view model (I am conforming to MVVM) for SwiftUI? Why can't I just say that I want the @Published variable of type string with no initial value? So…
I recently got the M1 MacBook and it automatically updates you to Xcode 12 and I can't use any simulators below iOS 14.Is there a way around this? Note: Yes I have downloaded the older simulators
I tried to build and distribute couple of Adhoc distribution build with bit code and without bitcode .. and generated build on both Diawi and installonair anyway the link installed on 2 devices without any problems. 1. iphone x -…
I want to show an image on whole screen and background should be transparent but image should not be transparent. Please help me with this.
I read the documentation, but I just can't figure out what exactly is needed in my simple case. The element is constantly jumping. I need just that. I would be grateful for articles and so on. For a deeper understanding…
I am making a diary app with Realm Swift and FSCalendar. When I press the button to add to Realm, the app crashes and the title message is displayed. Realm Swift is update 10.2.0. I am testing it on an…