Xcode – Can't get timer to count down
I'm trying to learn how to use a timer in Swift, and every solution I look up is broken somehow or beyond my understanding. I've tried with a closure, and without. With a closure, I can actually get the app…
I'm trying to learn how to use a timer in Swift, and every solution I look up is broken somehow or beyond my understanding. I've tried with a closure, and without. With a closure, I can actually get the app…
I have two images in a VStack and both images being resizable. One of the image is set to fill with clipped. VStack(spacing: 8) { Image(uiImage: project.image!) .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill) ZStack { Image(uiImage: UIImage(named: "ic_add_project")!) Image(uiImage: UIImage(named: "corner_pages_72pt")!) .resizable() }…
I just use Facebook Analytics in my iOS app using FBSDKCoreKit 8.1.0 (latest) This error message keeps flooding my log: FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK initialized. I don't even use the Graph API. I've set up everything…
I currently have a UISearchBar that works fine, however, I've noticed that when entering apostrophes in the searchBar it does not return any results. For example: If I have a String: Bob's if I search Bob it returns said string,…
I'm trying to understand implementing IAP using Xcode 12 and SwiftUI. I prepared everything using App Store Connect and also registered the product id. I'm using a StoreManager class adapting the SKProductsRequestDelegate protocol to fetch the corresponding SKProduct of the…
I'm trying to add a UIColorWell into my storyboard, but it seems that you can't drag and drop a UIColorWell in the same way that you can with other elements like a UITextField. So, what I did was generate the…
I try to create a Document Picker for my iOS app. Here is my code (I wrapped the UIDocumentPickerViewController in my SwiftUI View, with UIViewControllerRepresentable): import SwiftUI import MobileCoreServices struct DocumentPickerViewController: UIViewControllerRepresentable { var callback: (Data) -> () func makeCoordinator()…
I parsed the Api and stored in CoreData but when i display the results in UITableView its displaying the image, name and email twice. How to eliminate the duplicate and display only unique data. I also added a constraint and…
please, can you help me with this ios problem? I use Xcode and swift. I deleted all Derived Data many times. I tryed all solutions for this error from Google. Also uninstall Xcode 10.1 and install 10.0. Same error, not…
I need to use print() within a static function in Swift. The function needs to be called using an observer pattern as seen below: import Foundation @NSApplicationMain class Application: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { static var commandArgsObserver: NSKeyValueObservation? override init() { Application.setObserver()…